Are you interested in psychology and want to find out if it is the right choice for you? Or are you unsure whether your expectations and skills fit with reality? Maybe you’re already studying psychology are second guessing your choice and would you like further information. Then you should check out the Online Self-Assessment Test written by the University of Applied Sciences and Art Northwestern Switzerland and the University of Applied Sciences in Zurich.
The test is structured in three main modules which can be done separately. At the end of each assessment you’ll receive an extensive feedback on your results, including further information and personalised diagrams. Each test takes around 10-40 minutes. You are not obligated to complete the whole module, just fill out the tasks you are interested in.
The module “My interests and expectations” consists of three tests. The test “Expectations” tests, whether your expectations correspond with the reality of the courses you will be taking at the university. At the end of the questionnaire you will receive information on how strongly your expectations correspond with reality. If your expectations are unrealistic, you will be given information for clarification. The next test asks about your interests in different fields of psychology. As a result, you will get a personalised diagram about the psychological fields you are the most interested in. They also provide further information about the different fields like clinical psychology, work psychology, sports psychology etc. The same test is offered, concerning different fields of psychology.
The module “My skills and competences” tests your ability to understand English and German texts, your capability to read statistical diagrams and your skills in “mathematical and language thinking”. This module is useful to help you gage how prepared you are or whether you should work on certain skills before you start your studies.
The module “Frequently asked questions” is an overview of the study programmes and where you can get help to find more facts. There is also information about employment rates, salaries and the areas psychologists work in.
This assessment should provide basic information about studying psychology and the different fields you can work in later. Furthermore it’s a tool to prevent future students from starting a degree in a field they are not interested in or one they have unrealistic expectations of. Even I, a real psychology enthusiast, learned new things about the different directions psychology has to offer. Moreover I found out which fields interest me the most (with the surprising outcome that I am more into work psychology than I thought). I think it is worth going through certain tests if you are unsure about your interests or psychology in general. It can help you learn more about yourself, no matter how far along you are in your studies.
Author: Carla Wüthrich
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