Who or what is SBAP?
The Swiss Professional Association for Applied Psychology
What does the SBAP offer?
SBAP fights for the concerns of psychologists and psychotherapists on a political level and offers a variety of services such as further education (emergency psychology, coaching in ADHD and autism spectrum disorder, etc.).
What is the benefit for me as a student or young professional to be part of the SBAP?
At the moment, three areas are being developed and expanded from which you can benefit as a member.
The first area is personal support. A pool of SBAP members – mentors – from various areas of the psychological world provide answers to individual questions from students and young professionals.
- The second area includes workshops, trainings and company visits that are tailored to students and young professionals. As a member, you receive discounts, and all interested parties can take part.
Upcoming courses:
- Company Visit: SRK, Ambulatorium für Folter- und Kriegsopfer
- Company Visit: JVA Pöschwies
- Continuing education: Begleitung von Gewaltopfern
- Workshop: Unbewusste Voreingenommenheit im Gesundheitswesen
- Workshop: Achtsamkeit
You’ll find all our whole range of courses by following this link!
- The third area is online support, with an online platform for students and young professionals. It is a platform with FAQs on studies and career entry, portraits of psychologists from various fields as well as further information on further education and employers.
Who can become a SBAP member?
Psychologists from the start of their studies until retirement.
Would you like to get to know the SBAP? Then sign up now for a trial membership. For the first year you pay only 50% of the student rate (CHF 50.- instead of CHF 100.-) and still benefit from all advantages. Send us an e-mail with the subject “Schnuppern 22” and your details (surname, first name, address). For further information, please contact the office (info@sbap.ch).
BTW. You’ll find us at the Mad Pride in Bern this year, come and join us!
We look forward to hearing from you and are happy to answer any questions you may have. The SBAP team (www.sbap.ch).