Swiss Youth Health Alliance (SYHA)

The “Swiss Youth Health Alliance” (SYHA) is a joint project of Swiss students’ associations from the health field. Launched in 2020, the SYHA aims at providing a nation-wide platform for exchange and support between its associated organisations. The SYHA ensures collaborations between students’ associations representing different fields of study, such as medicine, pharmacology, nursing, nutrition, physiotherapy and psychology, yet with shared goals and challenges. This project consists of regular meetings organised alternately by one of its members and it guarantees the exchange of opinions, best practices and ideas for future projects.

As an early exemplar of this project, the associated organizations of the SYHA have formulated and signed a joint position paper on interprofessionalism in the field of health (German / French version). Also, an independent students’ organization, the Swiss Health Alliance for Interprofessional Education” (SHAPED) emerged from the earliest SYHA-meetings, which engages in the topic of interprofessional education and consists of individuals from many different health professions. As a psychology student, you can join this organization and thereby support the advancement of interprofessional education in Switzerland. If, interested, contact SHAPED at