Education Psychology University

The Process of Change – A New Way to Psychotherapy

Register now for the study program at the University of Basel

Have you ever wondered if there is a psychotherapy that integrates the best interventions from different schools of psychotherapy, applies them in a context- and situation-specific way, and is scientifically validated to be effective? Then perhaps process-based psychotherapy might just be something for you.

What is “process-based psychotherapy”?

Process-based psychotherapy addresses the question of how to initiate and support change processes in a context-specific manner using evidence-based interventions to help clients achieve lasting resolution of mental health problems, reduce symptoms and disorders, and improve quality of life and functioning. The therapeutic conversation and the therapeutic relationship serve as the foundation for promoting and supporting change processes in an evidence-based, moment-to-moment manner.

Process-based psychotherapy is the further development of disorder- or method-specific approaches, focusing on the mechanisms of action of clinically-relevant changes from research and practice. Accordingly, attention is directed to the psychological processes that promote flexibility in human behaviour across the board.

What exactly helps this person in their life context to achieve and maintain change?

In the therapeutic process, this is to be worked out, clarified, and implemented emotionally, cognitively, reflectively, motivationally, and behaviorally in contact with the clients, also taking into account physiological, social, cultural and societal conditions. Process-based psychotherapy thus involves a conceptual paradigm shift towards the central psychological mechanisms and processing that influence the behaviour and experience of clients both within and outside of psychotherapy.

So, what exactly do you learn in “process-based psychotherapy”?

First, we learn the theoretical and conceptual background of process-based psychotherapy, as well as the scientific foundations that are central to the therapeutic stance and approach. This includes, for example, behavioral analysis or psychiatric diagnostics but also practical matters such as dealing with digital possibilities, insurance issues and administration.

In the second part, effective strategies, and interventions for influencing basic and central processes of human experience and behavior are taught, which can be applied across disorders and problems. Process-relevant interventions from cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), mindfulness-based therapy (MBT), compassion-focused therapy (CFT), and others are taught and practiced.

Further, we will learn specific contexts of applicability based on different populations: Psychotherapy across the lifespan (children, adolescents, adults, aging) and in different settings (individual, couple, family, group) and with different minorities (migration, LGBTQIA*). Somatic influencing factors (e.g., addictive substances, food, exercise) and the importance of critical life events (e.g., adaptation processes after serious illness, loss, separation, death, unfulfilled childbearing, job loss, and others) on mental health will also be included.

The program is complemented on one hand by workshops, which take place regularly and parallel to the modules. These workshops offer topics from research and clinical practice and are taught in the form of lectures and group work. On the other hand, the participants’ own clinical work, supervision and self-experience are, of course, a central part of the advanced studies.

Interested? Register now!

The Master of Advanced Studies in Process-Based Psychotherapy is aimed at psychologists with a master’s degree in psychology or physicians with a state examination/master’s degree in human medicine who are seeking a federally recognized specialist title in psychotherapy. You’ll find more info at the website of the University of Basel or you can directly register for online information events via Google Forms. The registration window for 2023 is open as of now.


wilob AG – Freie Plätze in der Eidg. anerkannten Psychotherapieausbildung

Start: 18. August 2022

Was wir bieten:

  • bekannte Dozent:innen
  • wunderschöne Räume
  • super Preis-, Leistungsverhältnis
  • sehr praxisorientiert und neben Job & Familie gut machbar!

Mehr zu diesem spannenden Angebot findest du unter folgender Webseite:

Psychotherapie Weiterbildung 22-26 – wilob AG

Oder hier in der Programmbroschüre:

Erfahre mehr über wilob AG auf Youtube:


SBAP – Support and services for students and young professionals

Who or what is SBAP?
The Swiss Professional Association for Applied Psychology

What does the SBAP offer?
SBAP fights for the concerns of psychologists and psychotherapists on a political level and offers a variety of services such as further education (emergency psychology, coaching in ADHD and autism spectrum disorder, etc.).

What is the benefit for me as a student or young professional to be part of the SBAP?
At the moment, three areas are being developed and expanded from which you can benefit as a member.

The first area is personal support. A pool of SBAP members – mentors – from various areas of the psychological world provide answers to individual questions from students and young professionals.

  • The second area includes workshops, trainings and company visits that are tailored to students and young professionals. As a member, you receive discounts, and all interested parties can take part.

Upcoming courses:

  • Company Visit: SRK, Ambulatorium für Folter- und Kriegsopfer
  • Company Visit: JVA Pöschwies
  • Continuing education: Begleitung von Gewaltopfern
  • Workshop: Unbewusste Voreingenommenheit im Gesundheitswesen
  • Workshop: Achtsamkeit

You’ll find all our whole range of courses by following this link!

  • The third area is online support, with an online platform for students and young professionals. It is a platform with FAQs on studies and career entry, portraits of psychologists from various fields as well as further information on further education and employers.

Who can become a SBAP member?
Psychologists from the start of their studies until retirement.

Would you like to get to know the SBAP? Then sign up now for a trial membership. For the first year you pay only 50% of the student rate (CHF 50.- instead of CHF 100.-) and still benefit from all advantages. Send us an e-mail with the subject “Schnuppern 22” and your details (surname, first name, address). For further information, please contact the office (

BTW. You’ll find us at the Mad Pride in Bern this year, come and join us!

We look forward to hearing from you and are happy to answer any questions you may have. The SBAP team (


Dorsch Psychologie-Lexikon

Oft auf der Suche nach Begriffen aus der Psychologie? Dann haben wir genau das Richtige: Unser Dorsch Psychologie-Lexikon! Das Referenzwerk stellt seit 100 Jahren eine kontinuierlich aktualisierte und fundierte Quelle psychologischen Wissens dar.

Den DORSCH gibt es übrigens auch als Online-Portal:

Author : Hogrefe


Dorsch – Lexikon der Psychologie

19., überarb. Aufl. 2020. 2032 S., Gb
CHF 95.00. ISBN 978-3-456-85914-9

Das Standardwerk der Psychologie bietet in ca. 13000 Einzelbeiträgen einen kompakten und verständlichen Überblick über die Entwicklung sowie das Grundlagen- und Anwendungswissen der Psychologie. Über 500 renommierte Expertinnen und Experten präsentieren die Psychologie in ihrer gesamten Breite und Vielfalt. Mit ca. 500 neuen und ca. 900 aktualisierten Beiträgen werden insbesondere aktuelle Weiterentwicklungen aufgegriffen, die mit neuen psychologischen Erkenntnissen, modernen Wissenschaftsstandards und gesellschaftlichen Veränderungen einhergehen.

Das Lexikon bereitet die Inhalte orientiert an 19 Teilgebieten der Psychologie auf: Dies ermöglicht einen strukturierten und informativen Einstieg, und vereinfacht die Orientierung im vielfältigen und faszinierenden Spektrum psychologischer Grundlagen, Begriffe, Konzepte und Anwendungsgebiete. So werden beispielsweise im Themengebiet „Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie“ u. a. Formen psychischer Störungen orientiert am Katalog der DSM-5 und ICD-10 durch die Expertinnen und Experten vollständig aufbereitet und in einer umfangreichen Überblickstabelle systematisiert. Im Themengebiet „Psychologische Diagnostik“ werden u. a. über 500 diagnostische Testverfahren geordnet nach Inhaltsthemen präsentiert.

Leserinnen und Leser erhalten mit dem Fachbuch „Dorsch – Lexikon der Psychologie“ einen Zugangscode für die Online-Version des Lexikons: Die Inhalte des DORSCH können so zusätzlich per Computer oder Smartphone eingesehen und genutzt werden. Es besteht auch die Möglichkeit nur die Online-Version des Lexikons zu nutzen. Unter sind die verschiedenen Online-Abo-Modelle ersichtlich.